The team is very excited to see what the community can do with the keys to the entire kingdom, but to help they are also shipping instructions and templates from which to build. One developer mentioned that all of the birds in the game are classified as particle effects, and joked that he wanted to see a rifle that fires pigeons as bullets. Using the Modbuddy Framework, you can mod any object in the extensive library I mentioned above. Even the assets that the team used for cinematics will be available to use this could mean new cutscenes, machinima, or whatever else your mind can conjure. Every asset you can imagine will be at your fingertips: more than 4000 bits of material, 10,000 textures, 2000 sounds, 3000 particle effects, 600 character assets, 7000 props, and 600 animations helped bring the 2400 maps (yes, 2400 - that’s a bit more than the roughly 100 present in Enemy Unknown) that will ship with XCOM 2 to life. To enable the community to expand the XCOM 2 universe with their own creations, the team is providing a 45GB separate download of the tools and data that brings the game to life. This limits their potentially overpowering effect, but the buffs they provide could be the soldier to turn the tide. You’ll be able to rank up as many of your soldiers into this position as you’d like, but you can only have one in the field at a time. The Field Commander is a class beyond what would have been the Colonel rank in XCOM: Enemy Within.

To offer a counter-balance to that threat, the XCOM team’s mod will add a Field Commander. This Centurion will act as a leader amongst the invaders, buffing those around him in addition to his formidable strength and weaponry. You’ll need those weapons, as the LWM team has also modified the already-dangerous Muton, creating a Muton Centurion. The weapon mod will provide some magnetic beam weapons to even the score against the alien threat. The LWM team tackled three mods right out of the gate - a new weapon type, a fresh take on an enemy, and a soldier class mod, all of which will be available for free at launch. It’s pretty likely the Firaxis crew had two purposes to engaging the LWM team - bring the most popular modding team to the fore in an effort to ensure that the mod tools are user-friendly and ready for the community, and to have a proven set of fan-created mods to demonstrate (and template) the new system’s power and flexibility. The panel was fantastic, getting to see the incredible tools that bring XCOM 2 to life.